Depression treatment

Depression Treatment

Healing Begins Here

Treatment for Depression

What To Expect

When you come to Lakeshore Psychotherapy Group for depression treatment, we start by helping you understand what depression really is. It’s not just feeling sad; it’s a serious condition that can make you lose interest in everyday activities and feel down all the time. There are different types of depression, like major depression or persistent depressive disorder, and we’re here to figure out exactly what you’re dealing with. We take the time to properly diagnose your depression because getting the correct diagnosis early on is vital for finding the treatment plan best suited for you.

In terms of treatment, we have a few different ways of tackling depression. The leading method is talk therapy, or psychotherapy, where we use approaches like psychodynamic therapy. This approach treats depression by exploring the unconscious mind, early experiences, and defense mechanisms. It aims to build self-awareness and uncover patterns and unresolved conflicts contributing to depressive symptoms.

This method emphasizes the importance of the therapist-client relationship, providing a supportive space to work through emotions and resistance. Through understanding past influences and interpersonal dynamics, individuals learn healthier coping strategies, gaining insight into their depression’s roots.

Is Depression Treatment Right For Me?

If you’re wondering whether you might need psychotherapy for depression, consider the following signs and symptoms:

  1. Persistent Sadness or Low Mood: Feeling sad, empty, or experiencing a low mood the majority of the time.
  2. Loss of Interest or Pleasure: Losing interest in activities you once enjoyed or finding less pleasure in life.
  3. Changes in Sleep Patterns: Significant changes in sleep, such as insomnia or oversleeping.
  4. Changes in Appetite or Weight: Significant changes in appetite or weight, whether an increase or decrease.
  5. Fatigue or Loss of Energy: Feeling tired and lacking energy, even after rest.
  6. Difficulty Concentrating: Trouble focusing, making decisions, or experiencing memory problems.
  7. Feelings of Hopelessness or Helplessness: A sense of hopelessness about the future or feeling powerless to change your situation.
  8. Social Withdrawal: Withdrawing from friends, family, or social activities.
  9. Irritability or Restlessness: Feeling irritable, agitated, or restless.
  10. Physical Symptoms: Unexplained physical symptoms, such as headaches or stomachaches.

If you are experiencing several of these symptoms and persist over an extended period, it may indicate that you could benefit from professional help. It’s crucial to consult with a mental health professional, such as a psychologist, psychiatrist, or licensed therapist, who can assess your situation, provide a proper diagnosis, and recommend an appropriate treatment plan.


We can also help with

  1. Anxiety

    Constant worry, irritability, self-consciousness, hypochondriasis, feeling overwhelmed, insomnia.

  2. Grief & Loss

    Grieving is personal and varies for everyone. It's okay to feel and seek help. Self-care and support are key to healing.

  3. Eating Disorders

    Therapy for eating disorders focuses on personalized care, addressing psychological factors, and promoting healthier eating habits and coping mechanisms.

  4. Couples Psychotherapy

    Many things can erode the trust that once existed between couples, from constant criticism to infidelity, emotional affairs, and money issues.

Depression Treatment

  • Lakeshore Psychotherapy Group

  • November 10, 2023

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  • Lakeshore Psychotherapy Group

  • October 17, 2023

  • Lakeshore Psychotherapy Group

  • November 10, 2023

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